Our board is made up of two representatives from each of the five PC(USA) presbyteries in North Carolina: Coastal, New Hope, Charlotte, Salem, and Western. Collectively, the group below represents a shared commitment to campus ministry across the state as well as representing, supporting, and advancing the campus ministries within each presbytery and the presbytery’s vision for campus ministry in their own backyards.

Presbytery of Coastal Carolina
Howard Dudley
Howard Dudley is the pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Dunn, North Carolina. He previously planted and served Presbyterian campus ministries at Virginia Commonwealth University (UKirk at RVA) from 2010-2012, and at The University of Mississippi (Ukirk at Ole Miss), from 2012-2016. A lifelong Presbyterian and a North Carolina native, Howard was deeply formed by his own campus ministry experience at PCM of East Carolina. He is married to Meg, who is also a Presbyterian pastor, and raises two daughters, 5 and 2 years old.

New Hope Presbytery
Ben Kane
Ben is a child of God, spouse, dad, son, sibling, and tries hard to be a good friend. Ben spends his days trying to live as one of Christ's disciples and does so as the Pastor of Howard Memorial Presbyterian Church in Tarboro, NC. Actively avoiding the Campus Ministries at his college in California, Ben always felt God's pull toward those communities of faith because of the joy and connection they offered students but was more talented at forming excuses for why he couldn't go. In both of his calls, Ben connected to local Campus Ministries in the hopes of nudging students toward a loving community of faith and supporting the pastors who lead these vital ministries.
British Hyrams
British is the the campus pastor at North Carolina Central University Presbyterian Campus Ministry. British bings a lot of energy and enthusiasm to campus ministry and is eager to find ways to help support her colleagues in ministry. She began her work in campus ministry a month before the pandemic started and her first gathering was with this group of colleagues in February 2020. Immediately, we knew that having British at the table meant expanding how we think about campus ministry. Thank you, British for being a part of this board!

Presbytery of Charlotte
Bruce Chapman
Bruce is an honorably retired teaching elder in Charlotte Presbytery. Bruce and his spouse, Mary are NC natives who relocated to Charlotte recently from Tallahassee, Florida. Bruce served as Presbyterian/UKIRK campus minister at Florida State University 1999-2015. He and Mary enjoy retuning to Florida to visit their son in West Palm Beach and visits with their daughter, son in law and grandchildren in Charlotte. Bruce served pastorates previously in Tennessee and Alabama. He enjoys leading interpretive hikes and is active in the NC Native Plant Society and affiliates with Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte.
John Richards – Board Treasurer
John is a recent alum of UNC Charlotte and an active participant at Niner United campus ministry. John grew up in Wake Forest, NC, where he was a member at Wake Forest Presbyterian Church. John lives in Charlotte and works for Wells Fargo.

Salem Presbytery
Stephanie Coble Hankins – Board President
Stephanie graduated from Appalachian State University with a BA in psychology and has her MDiv from Columbia Theological Seminary. Before moving back to Boone Stephanie worked in Atlanta at Emmaus House, an Episcopal neighborhood outreach center. She has served as the campus minister for the Presbyterian Episcopal Campus Ministry at Appalachian State University for eight years.
The PC(USA) is a connectional church because God in grace and mercy has called us together. PCMofNC allows campus ministries to connect with one another. Thanks to PCMofNC, I have built lasting relationships with other NC campus ministers. These relationships have supported me as a pastor and have generated new ideas for PECM at ASU. I am thankful that we will continue to connect, share and eventually expand campus ministry in NC.
Ina Siler
Ina Siler, Ph.D., a retiree, serves as the Faith Point Fellowship Board Liaison for this 1001 new worshiping community where she is responsible for supervising the ministry team, managing administrative duties, and keeping the board informed of the ministry's work. Prior to retirement, Ina was Vice President of Organizational Effectiveness at HBO where she led corporate leadership development & training, employee communications and employee volunteer initiatives. Right now, our college students need our support more than ever. Their lives have been turned upside down because of COVID-19. And yet, they are drawn to social justice activism because they want to "show up" as caring and compassionate people in service to others--just like Jesus. Our campus ministries need resources as well as dynamic and innovative approaches to connect with with students. For Salem Presbytery, the partnership with PCMofNC is right on time!

Presbytery of
Western North Carolina
Bill Buchanan
Bill is a pastor, Christian Educator, and the Executive Director of the non-profit ministry Youth Mission Co. As a former campus minister at UNC Asheville and a mentor for college-aged summer interns, Bill is excited to be participating on the board of PCMofNC. Through supporting our campus ministries across the state, Bill believes PCMofNC can play a significant role in promoting, enhancing, and advancing Presbyterian ministries with college students.
Billy Robinson
Billy is the Associate Presbyter at the Presbytery of Western North Carolina. Billy has served in various roles prior to being on staff at the presbytery office and through these roles as pastor for youth, associate pastor, pastor, and interim pastor, Billy has seen the impact when placing a priority on young people. Billy also brings his experience on campus as an adjunct professor at Wilkes Community College in West Jefferson, NC, where Billy taught World Religions. Though Billy sees the value of PCMofNC’s encouragement of campus ministries on the familiar campuses around NC, Billy also sees great value in our having a presence on the many community college campuses where there are students who are equally hungry for what is being provided through these ministries. Billy is known as a naturalist and has a deep fondness for the outdoors. He is a 1990 alum of Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC. Billy lives in Black Mountain with his family.